Saturday, March 18, 2023

Kimberton(Oaks) antique show Saturday 3/18/32 report.

 Sales for us was ok.   Must of them went to other dealers, which is good.  That means there selling and need more merchandise. But to the retail customer, no so good.  Most of the dealers I talked to had a good show, some very good.  Saw many of our old customers.  All said they like the old location.  Not much you can do about that.  

However this location is not available for the next show in November.  So they have to find some place else if they do a November show.  

Friday, March 17, 2023

Kimberton(Oaks) March 2023 pre-show photes

 I have my fingers crossed.  The show is in an exhibit hall. It's lacking that home feeling  Already missing the firehouse in Kimberton.  Hoping our old customers come and also make a few new ones. Took a few photos of our both and some inside during setup.


Monday, March 13, 2023