Monday, September 30, 2019

Kutztown Extravaganza September 2019 Saturday report

A typical Saturday. Almost no sales.  Overall we had less sales but sold a couple of higher price items which left us about the same sales as last September.  For sure not as many people as in the past.  A troubling issue with some of our other shows.
The management is changing from a 3 day to a 2 day show next year.  One less day of travel is good for us.  I think this is a good idea, I see more shows shortening the hours.  You really don't need all day, 4 or 5 hours is plenty. 

No more shows until November, Kimberton.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Kutztown Extravaganza September 2019 Friday report

Did have a couple of sales for Friday.  See what happens today.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Kutztown Extravaganza September 2019 Thursday report

So, the show opens at 10 and by 12:30 it was raining.  Never a good thing for a outdoor show.  Had a few sales, but not what a Thursday should bring.  The weather should be better tomorrow.  Hope to make it up.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Kutztown Extravaganza September 2019 photos

Basket Sold



Monday, September 23, 2019

Kutztown Extravaganza September 2019 pre-show photos

I guess I should say pre-show photo.  Being that we had a show only a couple of weeks ago.  Decided to leave the merchandise in the trailer, so this is the additional things we are bringing

Monday, September 2, 2019

Prallsville Mills Antique Show 2019 Sunday report

Did have one more sale on Sunday.  Overall, are sales weren't as bad as I had expected.  Sunday did bring just a little smaller crowd.  Talking to other dealers, some did said they would give it another try next year.  We're not going to make any decisions right now to if we go back.  The promoter does need to have more dealers next year.  A few customer had mention they expected more dealers.

In just 3 weeks it's off to Kutztown.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Prallsville Mills Antique Show 2019 Saturday report

It was a marginal day.  We did have about 5 sales, but need more today.  I'm still on the fence about the date of this show.  The mill is used for weddings and other events, so getting a latter date is difficult. Years back this show was twice a year, June and October.  See what happens today.